Friday, August 30, 2013

Another Week Gone By

Wow how time flies... I cant believe that another week has gone by already. We have now been here for almost 3 weeks. This week was spent mostly getting settled in and house hunting. So far I have viewed 12 rental places: Cottages, bungalows, flats, terraced homes, semi-detached and detached homes, Whew! 
Finally I think we found the perfect place. Move in date will be the end of September. (yes, we will have plenty of room 
for guests)

We attended a "Leaving Do" for our friends Bryan and Janice.
We have enjoyed spending time with them the last few weeks and will be sad to see them return to Florida. 

On Saturday we decided to do another road trip. This time to Dunoon with a ferry ride to Gourock then back to Helensburgh
It was a beautiful day with stunning scenery 
Rest and Be Thankful

Dunoon Waterfront

Downtown Dunoon was a quaint little town, we stopped for lunch and browsed the shops 

We then took the Car Ferry to Gourock and made our way back to Helensburgh

Sunday we enjoyed walking the Helensburgh Waterfront. 
It was a perfect Summer day here in Scotland! 
(We even stopped for Ice Cream)


Well, that was our travels for this week.
We are looking forward to another new adventure this weekend to celebrate our 
12 yr Wedding Anniversary. 
(I know, can you believe that it has 
been that long?)

So just for fun I thought I would share with you a few words or phrases we have learned since being here:

Leaving Do - Goodbye Party
HOB - Stove / Cooktop
Aubergine - Eggplant
Gushy Gushy - Bubbly Person
Benny - Tantrum
Hoover - Vacuum
Give You A Bell – Call you
 (Of course there are a few I can't repeat!)

Well, It's time to get oot and aboot.
We hope everyone enjoys the Holiday Weekend.

Sending LOVE to all our 
Family and Friends,
John and CJ


  1. o.Oo its sooo cute and what a nice lil garden for tou to grow goodies in!!

    1. Thank you, yes it's cute.It's a bit dated but, this is Scotland.. everything here is old. I cant wait to make it "Our Home" (and to have guests) More pics of the house in a few weeks.
